Syntax and algorithm

Thomas Nguyen
2 min readSep 4, 2020

or one could just say languages and logics.

Third day in.

I’m currently on Week 1 of CS50 by Havard University and I have learnt that C programming is not that hard. It’s just Python, but way older and takes some work to compile and run.

That’s it.

A friend of mine recommended me a website to learn about Object-Oriented Programming for Python, but it was written in Java.

I asked her about it and turned out, I got the same answer: It’s just a syntax difference. In fact with some minutes of scrolling, I could manage to create a Python file that does the exact same thing.

That’s the three fundamental and, for many Computer Science major people, only programming languages to learn.

To even back it up, this is only the second time I skim through “Python Programming Fundamentals” by Kent D. Lee, and I have easily finished 5/6 chapters in less than 30 minutes.

So this is it.

It’s time to learn the “logic” of programming, if you call Python a “language”.

Or as many call, Algorithm.

And I’m excited. Really.

Just a couple months ago, I lost my first research, and a second.

But then, I came to realize the potential of Python, and subsequently, programming languages.

And here I am, through much struggle, can learn something I merely knew existed.

And for that I am grateful.

Nighty night, all.

Thomas Nguyen



Thomas Nguyen

A Mechanical Engineering major with a passion to code!